IN THE LAB 27.10.2023
Trend Alert: Hair Bows
Trend Alert: Hair Bows

Hairstyle Trend Alert: Hair Bows

A few weeks back we shared a hairstyle featured at New York fashion week that stopped us in our social scroll - the hair corset. The hair corset is a ribbon woven between braids and tied in a bow. Turns out, this was just the beginning of what has become one of the biggest trends (kind of the point of fashion week, tbh) of the season - hair bows. 

Interested in trying this yourself but not sure how to make hair bows feel modern? It looks like scale matters. Follow one of these three rules to stay on trend.



A Bevy of Bows

Small and medium sized bows work best when paired in groups. Keep it clean by using the same bow, in the same color, multiple times. The smaller the bow, the more you add. Here are a couple examples we love:



The Business Bow

Perhaps the easiest way to embrace the trend is with one singular, mid-large bow with minimal adornment and in a neural shade. The simplicity in material and color don’t distract from your outfit, but the scale of the bow feels a bit more daring and modern. We’re seeing this version of the Hair Bow trend with simple, black bows.



The Boisterous Bow

One HUGE trend (pun absolutely intended) is one giant, trailblazing bow. Seen on runways, wedding aisles, and Sarah Jessica Parker, a very fashion forward take on the trend is to use one massive bow that extends down the back. To try this trend, keep the color simple and the material very light weight - you don’t want to tug on your hair. 



Not quite ready to jump onto the bow bandwagon? We obviously love the simplicity of the loose tail of our Silk SlipTie in a low ponytail. Grab yours today to try it!